Nourishing Women for Future Vitality: Preconception Journey


Blossoming Bodies

Your next big chapter in life is to become a mother.

A mother who is calm and grounded. Who is able to nurture her family and take care of their needs while also prioritizing her vibrancy.

The mother you see yourself becoming is different than what you were shown, which is how you know there is work you need to do before you step into this chapter of your life.

Health is your greatest currency.

The priorities are shifting back to you, this is the moment where everything changes. As a visionary woman you are grounded and rooted in where your life is going - and that's to be a mom.

You have built such a strong foundation for yourself.
You have the financial freedom, the dream career, a beautiful home.
You are established and - fully embracing your aligned role as a new mother.

And now, you comprehend the profound impact of placing your fertility health at the forefront today so you can prepare yourself to be a mom in a few years.

As a woman, you do not have anyone that can make these changes to prepare you. 

It's all you.

You have to make the choice.

To choose self-prioritization is to secure lasting vitality.
To choose elevation sets a strong foundation for the future chapters to come.
To choose the health journey means embracing it with determination.
To choose mindfulness today paves the way for future well-being and confidence.

But until you make the conscious choice and realize the only thing that is holding you back is your focus on this area of your life. 

The moment you shift from knowing into doing, you will see how much power you have over this area of your life.

The confidence knowing you can conceive with ease. You've nourished your body before conception, during pregnancy all the way into postpartum. You've given your future child the best possible start.

It is 100% possible for you. 

You need to reconnect to your body and build a strong foundation with these parts of you that have been conditioned because of fear, societal expectations, pressure not to get pregnant to empower yourself and making informed decisions about your fertility journey.

You need to prioritize it. 


I'm Ready to Apply!

Hi, I'm Alexandra, 

a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Gut Health Expert, Hormone Health Expert, Certified Life Coach and Reiki Practitioner.

I believe the world only begins to change when you change yourself. If you are at your best it becomes a ripple effect and change happens.

I hold the belief that everyone should experience a sense of confidence, empowerment, and mastery over their fertility, all the while being conscious of their intentional efforts in readying their body for a blossoming and boundless future.

My connection to my body is one I hold very near and dear to myself. But I also knew a time when I didn’t feel the best in my body.

I know what it’s like to be completely lost, unsure, confused and frustrated with my body.
I know what it’s like to look outside of yourself for answers because you can’t understand what's happening.
I know what it’s like to just function to get through the day.
I know what it's like having doctors say everything looks normal. 

The confidence, vitality and youthful longevity you dream about is possible. It’s waiting for you to claim it. 

You don’t have to settle.

Everything starts with a choice. A conscious choice.

I've had over 32 women come to me, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with their healthcare experiences and helping them see how natural and beautiful their fertility could be. Which is why I’m confident that the confidence, vitality and youthful longevity you dream about is possible going into this next chapter.

It’s time to make that conscious choice for yourself.

Preconception work is crucial for healthy pregnancies + thriving families.


What you do now impacts you, your future children and their children. 

You have the power to impact generations after you.

Your invitation to

Blossom Within


discover. heal. blossom.


I've crafted this method with a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of accomplished, financially secure women.

Women, who  are ready to prioritize their holistic well-being, wanting to focus on long-term health for future pregnancies, emphasizing mindset, nutrition, gut health, and hormone balance.

You're drawn here because you're driven to maximize your potential and blossom in every aspect of your life. You wake up each morning exuding confidence, knowing that your actions lead to profound meaning and success. You see life's events as opportunities for growth and happening for you.

And now? It’s time to focus on yourself even more so you can fully embrace motherhood in the future.

I recognize your desire for inner knowing, stability, and fulfillment. Yet, something may be stopping you from fully embracing and connecting with this potential. Your health, your body and your energy aren't matching this desire. 

Often, it's the layers we accumulate from past experiences that limit our perceived possibilities. 

In this method, we start with the foundation. Just like a flower can't blossom without roots, we discover, eliminate and create by doing the work so blossoming is inevitable.

Our three-month tailored healing program starts with functional testing, either Dutch Complete Hormone Testing or GI Map Stool Testing, allowing us to pinpoint the root causes of your hormonal and digestive concerns. This non-invasive approach equips us with valuable insights into your body's functioning. Following three months of transformative hormonal and digestive nutritional coaching, you'll emerge empowered, affirmed, and poised to live a life you love.

Apply Here

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Blossoming Bodies Collective, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.

Here's what's waiting for you on the other side:


  • Overflowing with unshakable confidence, boundless happiness, and a profound inner peace that radiates from within. Every day, you awaken feeling not just good, but truly amazing in your body. This is because you've honed the art of operating in harmony with your body, providing it with the nourishment and care it deserves. Your vitality and well-being are a testament to the powerful synergy between your mind, body, and soul.

  • You've got that unstoppable spirit and a rock-solid grip on your journey to conception!
    You're gearing up to be in top form for those future kiddos and some seriously awesome adventures. The missing puzzle piece of knowing your body and having the knowing you a ready to conceive when the time is right. You feel energized, vibrant and excited for this next chapter.

  • You're a new baseline for your health. 

    You've fine-tuned your sleep, nailed your digestion, reved up your energy levels, harmonized your hormones, supercharged your metabolism, and kept your adrenal function in top-notch shape.

    You've ticked off these boxes and now you're on the hunt for the next level of well-being and vitality. It's all about evolving and thriving!

The Blossom 

Within Method

Phase 1:  Discover

Reconnect with your body after long struggles. Exhale frustration and let go of fatigue, mood swings, bloating, pain, and confusion. Pardon your body for menstrual discomfort, PMS, and digestive issues. With Blossoming Bodies, gain insight into your hormones, digestion, energy, and moods. Reestablish your body as your ally.

Phase 2:  Heal

Your body's has been a mystery and doctors have left you feeling helplessly confused. It's time to take control of your health and initiate healing. Blossoming Bodies initials harmonization with your hormones, enhance digestion, and boost energy. Learn to collaborate with your body, not combat it.

Phase 3:  Blossom

Start your transformation! We’re never far away, even between sessions you’ll be connected to ask questions, receive support, and get updates each day.  Our three-month collaboration provides continuous expert support, maximizing your Blossoming Bodies plan impact on your life and health.

When you join Blossoming Bodies you receive:


There are 5 phases to the content within the online learning portal, each phase builds on each other. Every week you will be drip released new content which includes videos, assignments, worksheets to make sure you are getting the most out of this program.

You will have lifetime access to this portal, as this portal grows and evolves you will have access to it so you can really integrate these things into your life from the moment you sign up all through the different phases of your life. 


We'll have three live sessions with me a month. These calls provide an open forum for your questions. Together, we'll delve into the weekly modules, offering practical, easy-to-implement tips you can incorporate into your life. This is where we get to go more in depth and personalized to you and feel so fully supported.


Blossoming Bodies includes your choice of a DUTCH Complete Hormone Test or a GI-MAP. The sole purpose of this is to take the guessing work out of what is happening with your body.This is where we gain so much clarity in what is ACTUALLY going on within your body.

Then we will review your results. Here we will be able to look into possible root causes and come up with tailored recommendations specific to you and your lifestyle. This clarity eliminates all the confusion and misguided information that may not work for you. 

And these bonuses:


    You will be introduced to lifestyle practices presented by leading guest experts and my own mentors in the health and wellness community.
    In these blossoming sessions, you’ll learn about mindfulness, the Emotional Freedom technique, breathwork, and other approaches to lower stress and support your nervous system as you reconnect back to yourself.

  • PERSONALIZE SUPPLEMENT GUIDE. No more guess what you should take. 
    This is 100% personalized to you, right now to when, for how long and why you are taking specific supplements.

  • ACCESS TO MY ONLINE SUPPLEMENT DISPENSARY. Within Canada and United States. 
    You will have access to my online supplement dispensary with discounted supplements delivered to your door. 
    This is an exclusive benefit only for those who have enrolled and is not available publicly.

    An easy to navigate resource to find the main root causes or reasons behind your imbalance and hormone-specific nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Blossoming Bodies, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrolment.

If you're ready to fiercely prioritize and elevate your health with unwavering purpose, 

it's time to transcend the ordinary and step into the woman you desire to be. CHOOSE YOURSELF.


*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re a good fit and will be given the price of the program. If you're the right fit for Blossoming Bodies, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrolment.